How to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene With Braces?

07/18/23 12 MIN Read

Brace yourself for the thrilling journey of flaunting a vibrant, straight smile! Braces, though seemingly daunting, lead you on a transformative expedition, leaving you with a beautiful grin you’re proud to wear. However, maintaining good oral hygiene with braces is a vital partner in this journey, we’ll provide you with the inside scoop to turn what might seem like a challenge into a straightforward and fulfilling routine.

The Importance of Good Oral Hygiene for People with Braces

Braces – the silent crusaders of your dental universe! They gently shift your teeth, slowly revealing the symmetrical smile you’ve longed for. However, these dental heroes face a typical villain – poor oral hygiene braces. Braces and oral hygiene are an inseparable duo; neglecting oral care can lead to plaque accumulation, gum disease, and cavities, darkening the glow of your radiant smile.

How to Have Good Oral Hygiene With Braces?

Embarking on the braces journey is a bold step towards achieving your dream smile, a voyage filled with curiosity, anticipation, and excitement. Yet, it comes with its unique challenges, but fear not! Let’s delve deeper and unveil the secrets to maintaining top-notch oral hygiene while sporting your braces with confidence and grace.

Brush Your Teeth Thoroughly

Start your victorious battle against plaque with a toothbrush in hand! But, remember, oral hygiene with braces isn’t just about brushing—it’s about brushing thoroughly. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and a compact head to navigate the nooks and crannies of your braces, ensuring every corner of your mouth is squeaky clean.

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Floss and Mouthwash

Flossing is the unsung hero of dental care—especially when it comes to braces. A floss threader can help you weave through wires and brackets, waging war against hidden food particles. Follow up with a fluoride mouthwash to shield your teeth from cavities and gift your breath a fresh, minty aroma.

Watch Your Diet

Certain foods can be more of a foe than a friend to those with braces; therefore, sidestep the sticky culprits, like caramels and toffees, they’re sneaky about sticking to your braces. Also, send a bid farewell to the crunch-loving suspects such as popcorn and ice cubes, they’re known for their mischief with braces. Instead, roll out the red carpet for your braces’ best buddies. Say a hearty hello to soft delights like fluffy mashed potatoes, smooth pasta, and gently steamed veggies. They’re not only kind to your braces but also promise a delicious treat for your taste buds!

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Your orthodontist is your guiding star in the voyage of how to maintain oral hygiene with braces. Regular check-ups can help intercept any looming issues, ensuring your road to a perfect smile remains devoid of unnecessary bumps.

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Carry a Travel Toothbrush

Don’t let your oral hygiene routine be confined to your bathroom. A travel toothbrush can be your ally in maintaining good oral hygiene with braces wherever you go. It’s perfect for a quick freshen-up after meals, helping you prevent the buildup of food particles and plaque.

Change Your Toothbrush Regularly

A worn-out toothbrush is like an old, rusted sword—it won’t win you any battles. Change your toothbrush every three months or when the bristles start to fray, whichever comes first. This ensures your toothbrush is always at its best, ready to maintain your oral hygiene with braces.

Dealing with Orthodontic Emergencies

Braces-related emergencies can be alarming but fear not! Most common issues like loose brackets or protruding wires can be easily managed at home. Here’s how to navigate through common braces-related hiccups and the steps to take when they pop up:

  • Loose Bracket or Band: It’s usually a manageable situation. Gently press it back into place using a sterilized cotton swab. Schedule an appointment with your orthodontist to get it fixed, but in the meantime, avoid hard and chewy foods to prevent further mischief.
  • Protruding Wire: This cheeky culprit can sometimes poke its head out, causing discomfort. Take a clean pencil eraser and gently push it back into a comfortable position. If it refuses to cooperate, cover it with some orthodontic wax and give your orthodontist a call.
  • Lost Spacer: Sometimes, these tiny ring-shaped heroes fall out just before you’re about to get your braces. Don’t panic! This often means that they’ve already done their job of creating enough space for your braces. But do check in with your orthodontist to confirm.
  • Irritation or Discomfort: It’s normal to experience some discomfort or even a little soreness when you first get your braces or after adjustments. Warm salt water rinses and over-the-counter pain relievers can be your comfort companions during these times.

Remember, while these tips can help manage minor issues, never hesitate to reach out to your orthodontist for advice or an emergency appointment when needed. After all, they’re your smile’s best friend on this braces journey!

Maintaining Your Dazzling Smile

Braces are a significant milestone in your journey towards a stellar smile and a testament to your commitment to oral health. Remember, every moment you invest in oral hygiene with braces today paves the way for a brighter, healthier smile tomorrow.

Here at NYC Dental Smiles, we are committed to guiding you every step of the way on your braces journey. Schedule an appointment with us today and embark on your path to the alluring smile.

Or you can contact us using one of these other means:


Volinska, T., Kovalenko, A., & Kanuira, O. (2023, March 5). Improvement of self-performed oral hygiene among patients with braces and micro-implants: approbation of specifically designed plaque-controlled regime. Ukrainian Dental Journal, 2(1), 88–95.

Oral hygiene maintenance in patients with dental implants following oral health education. (2020). Journal of Korean Society of Dental Hygiene, 20(4).

Walley, S. (2014, November 2). Considerations when giving patients oral hygiene instruction. Dental Nursing, 10(11), 656–657.

Analysis of the factors of dental hygiene plans influencing patients of the dental hygiene program based on dental hygiene process. (2018). Journal of Korean Society of Dental Hygiene, 18(2).

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